I miss button!
Friday, February 29, 2008
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Don't Forget To Remember Me
Tonight I find myself kneeling by the bed to pray
I haven't done this in a while
So I don't know what to say but
Lord I feel so small sometimes in this big old place
Yeah, I know there are more important things,
But don't forget to remember me.
Don't forget to remember me
Carrie Underwoods
Posted by
12:15:00 AM
Monday, February 25, 2008
Monday Blues at its worst
I hate Mondays. I feel all so depressed and unmotivated. Especially when I have to go to school on MONDAY during RECESS WEEK for a 10am class. During which I completely zonked out. And of course, the tutor had to pick this fine day to work my brain. Unfortunately, my brain refused to cooperate. Oh and did I mention that I couldn't find ANYTHING this morning? My contacts, my t-shirt, my cardigan, my ASSIGNMENT and of course my shoes. Nothing. I ended up being late and horribly mismatched.
AND I got lost again. This would make it the third time this week. First, at the pyschology department on Monday (I ended up in some dark stairwell), then at the Engineering Faculty on Thursday (I ended up in the gas chamber) and at SGH today.
Actually, I can't decide whether I hate Mondays or Sundays more.
Posted by
3:33:00 PM
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Tell me sweet little lies
You don't know a good thing
Until its gone.
And found someone else.
Right. Hah.
Posted by
5:04:00 PM
Monday, February 18, 2008
Staring at the Sun
I feel like I'm on a permanent high. I'm dealing. In the worst way possible. But I'm dealing. And that's all that really matters isn't it?
Posted by
4:55:00 PM
Saturday, February 16, 2008
We're at it again!
Thulasi says:
ah you're here!
Thulasi says:
let's run away
Thulasi says:
to france
Thulasi says:
we'll be farmers!
Thulasi says:
what say you??
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
france aint nice
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
lets go to italy and be gypsies!
Thulasi says:
Thulasi says:
brilliant plan!
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
okay so when do we leave?!
Thulasi says:
i say tomorrow
Thulasi says:
let's pack our bags this instant!
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
okay what do we bring
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
lets discuss
Thulasi says:
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
its spring there now right!
Thulasi says:
BIG hoop earrings
Thulasi says:
is it?
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
but if we're staying till winter we gotta bring winter clothes
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
Thulasi says:
oh yea
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
lots and lots of pretty clothes!
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
its italy!
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
Thulasi says:
but we're gypsies!
Thulasi says:
we're supposed to look mismatched!
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
yea true that
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
but then again we may need to pick pockets here and there
Thulasi says:
ah yes
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
so we need shades to disguise ourselves!
Thulasi says:
so we need to look like we fit in!
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
thank god we dont need bronzers to do the trick!
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
our skin colours ought to do
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
Thulasi says:
yes we're all nice and bronze already!
Thulasi says:
do we have to look ugly?!
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
Thulasi says:
cause i would relly like to look pretty
Thulasi says:
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
gypsies are usually quite pretty
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
Thulasi says:
but the ones i have seen are all scruffy and evil looking!
Thulasi says:
i want to be a nice pretty one!
Thulasi says:
you can be the evil one!
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
we'll be the exception!
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
Thulasi says:
how about that!
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
Thulasi says:
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
then you go yourself
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
Thulasi says:
oh no dont do this to me
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
say you'll be the evil one and ill go
Thulasi says:
i might get abducted if i go alone
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
Thulasi says:
Thulasi says:
okay okay
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
if not you go aloneeeeeee
Thulasi says:
i'll be the evil one
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
haha YES!
Thulasi says:
i'll secretly be nice!
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
what else what else!
Thulasi says:
Thulasi says:
what else do we need?
Thulasi says:
can i hire escorts?!
Thulasi says:
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
dont need to hire
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
the bees will come where there is honey
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
Thulasi says:
mmmm.. i is loving this
Thulasi says:
the gypsy life!
Thulasi says:
no tutorials. no lectures. no projects.
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
no boys to worry about cos there'll be so many there!
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
we'll be freeeeeeee
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
and happyyyy
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
i wanttttttt
Thulasi says:
me too
Thulasi says:
shall we leave this mundane life behind and run!
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
yes of course!
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
tomorrow meet me at changi airport at 11!
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
ill sneak out when my mum's at the market
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
we'll see what happens from there!
Thulasi says:
Thulasi says:
i'll get my mum to go to the shop at that time!
Thulasi says:
shall i bring sunshine?
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
he's too big
Thulasi says:
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
he'll give us away!
Thulasi says:
we can shrink him!
Thulasi says:
stuff him into a bag or smth!
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
okay let me cast a spell now~
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
is sunshine small yet!!
Thulasi says:
oh my!
Thulasi says:
yes he is!
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
oh YES!
Thulasi says:
he looks like a rat!
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
it worked!
Thulasi says:
yes it did!
Thulasi says:
well done gypsy!
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
i must remember to bring my wand to italy!
Thulasi says:
oh oh we need new names!
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
oh yess!
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
Thulasi says:
Thulasi says:
something a little more sexy please!
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
Thulasi says:
Thulasi says:
not working for me still!
Thulasi says:
you can be ranbun!
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
it sounds like a name you'll name sunshine!
Thulasi says:
oh no not very gypsy sounding is it?
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
Thulasi says:
okay i'll try again!
Thulasi says:
how about ranzella!
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
it sounds niceeeeeee
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
Thulasi says:
sister of godzilla!
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
Thulasi says:
Thulasi says:
oops i meant gonzilla
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
whos gonzilla?!
Thulasi says:
same difference!
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
Thulasi says:
whatever that ugly thing is called!
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
Thulasi says:
keshini told me it was the other one!
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
its decided then!
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
Thulasi says:
okay ranzella!
Thulasi says:
brb i need to bathe!
Thulasi says:
i dont want to bathe tml!
Thulasi says:
gypsies smell bad right?
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
you dirty girl
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
shoo go bathe
Thulasi says:
but dont they always look dirty?
Thulasi says:
i bet they smell too ranzella!
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
noo they dont!
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
you can be the dirty gypsy if you like
Thulasi says:
no no
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
im not going to!
Thulasi says:
i prefer to look clean
Thulasi says:
and smell nice
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
then the guys will run away form you and ill have them all for myself!
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
be dirty be dirty!
Thulasi says:
that is NOT gonna happen!
Thulasi says:
we share!
Thulasi says:
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
you're the one who wanted to be dirtyyyyyyy
Thulasi says:
no i thought that we're supposed to be dirty!
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
Thulasi says:
okay fine
Thulasi says:
i'll smell them in Italy!
Thulasi says:
and then we'll see who's right!
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
yea of courseeee
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
we need our long flowery skirtsss
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
or any long flowy skirts for that matter
Thulasi says:
i hate long stuff!
Thulasi says:
i like skirts short!
Thulasi says:
but i'll settle for long ones
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
but gypsies dont wear short skirts doofus!
Thulasi says:
true that
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
they'll think youre a skank if you wear a short skirt
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
Thulasi says:
Thulasi says:
oh dear
Thulasi says:
ITALY! here we come!
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
yea baybeh!
Thulasi says:
with our long flowy skirts
Thulasi says:
big hoops
Thulasi says:
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
our bronzed skins
Thulasi says:
ah yes
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
nice namessss
Thulasi says:
love it!
Thulasi says:
just think!
Thulasi says:
all the men waiting there for us!
Thulasi says:
i bet they'll find us exotic!
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
and much more than just men!
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
they get boring after a while
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
Thulasi says:
Thulasi says:
men are boring!
Thulasi says:
not to mention gross
Thulasi says:
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
Thulasi says:
food will be my best friend! my bestest friend!
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
endless amounts of pasta and the likes
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
Thulasi says:
let's stay home and eat all day!
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
of course food will be your number 2 best friend!
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
Thulasi says:
no one will see our tummies under the flowy skirts!
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
we need to pick pockets to earn $$ to buy food dummy
Thulasi says:
oh yea!
Thulasi says:
Thulasi says:
it'll be like oliver twist!
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
albeit more eggciting ill like ot think!
Thulasi says:
i cant wait!
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
Thulasi says:
have you packed all your stuff?
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
im packing!
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
i just chose my suitcase
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
its HUGE
Thulasi says:
i cant find a scruffy looking one!
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
so i can dump everything inside
Thulasi says:
that's a good thing!
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
we aint goanna bring it ard so we can chuck it at the hotel
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
no one will see!
Thulasi says:
we stay at the hotel?!
Thulasi says:
i was thinking more like somewhere in the woods
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
for the first day!
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
so we can eat and enjoy at least for the first day before we set off
Thulasi says:
ah okay
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
and gypsies dont stay in the woods woman!
Thulasi says:
they dont?!
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
they stay in caravans!
Thulasi says:
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
i think
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
but im positive they dont stay in the woods
Thulasi says:
the caravans are stationed in the woods arent they?
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
they are in those funfair like bazaars!
Thulasi says:
Right. I knew that!
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
yea im sureeeeeeee thuzilla
Thulasi says:
Thulasi says:
alrightey ranzella i'm off to pack!
Thulasi says:
see you tml! 11 at changi!
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
please specify changi airport
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
just changi is soooo
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
Thulasi says:
Thulasi says:
changi airport!
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
aye be there on time!
Thulasi says:
i'm always on time!
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
alright bonsoir!
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
(i dont know italian so ill use french for the time being=D)
Thulasi says:
i know neither!
Thulasi says:
will malay do?
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
yea sure!
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
who cares
Thulasi says:
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
a dark silhouette against a bright background says:
tomorrow is THE day!
This reminds me of the time we planned to tour EUROPE after our PSLE! That was one hell of a good plan! I actually drew up a list of things to bring for that! Too bad we never got to go!
Posted by
9:53:00 PM
Friday, February 15, 2008
Posted by
11:46:00 PM
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Friday, February 08, 2008
Never blow-dry your hair and text at the same time. The hair-dryer deserves your undivided attention. I had to learn that the hard way. I managed to get my hair stuck in the hair-dryer TWICE. And now the ends are burnt. Horribly Charred in fact. Oh well.
Posted by
11:41:00 PM
Sunday, February 03, 2008
Posted by
7:32:00 PM
Friday, February 01, 2008
The Good Old Days
These are just some of the photos I found while looking for photos for Siva Annah's wedding reception.
My Birthday.
Dawn and Siva Annah
Haarveen and me. I was a little retarded back then too.
Siva Annah. Me. Dinesh. Haarv. Nantha Annah
I think we were at Terengganu.
I remember this oh so damn well! I was having a cold. So I wasn't allowed to have anything. BUT my dear mum made sure they had a constant supply of coke as well as ice cream! Grrr...
Posted by
3:45:00 PM