All over again
And so 2007 is about to come to an end. I must say the year passed by pretty fast. Yet 2007 has been one of my more eventful years.
I discovered aspects of myself that I never knew about.
I started school.
I realised how much I love children.
I worked for the first time in my life.
I learnt about relationships- how they work, how I wanted them to work and how they actually work.
I faced my deepest fears head-on.
Star gazing by the beach was an amazing experience.
I learnt to accept things as they were.
I cried lots.
I learnt to be grateful.
I lied. And I'm not exactly proud of that.
I learnt to let things go.
Sunshine is now hot-dog.
I learnt to forgive.
I opened up to someone I hardly knew. That still surprises me.
I learnt to believe in myself.
Spirit week was embarassing yet memorable. I love my red soccer socks. Now all I need is another chance to wear it!
I changed my mind a gazillion times.
I considered getting a piercing and a tattoo.
Meowy became an unofficial part of our family.
I made tons of new friends.
I did something I usually would have never considered doing.
Well I guess that pretty much sums up 2007. It has been a year of bittersweet moments. Yes a year of my bittersweet moments. I can't wait for 2008! An entire new year. 365 more days of bittersweet experiences. I don't usually believe in new year resolutions. But for 2008 I hope I learn to be a better person.
Happy New Year everybody!
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Posted by
11:35:00 PM
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Blood's thicker than water huh?
I hate extended family gatherings. I hate having to sit in one corner with a plastic smile plastered on my face. Not that I am the only one doing the whole plastic act. I hate not being able to be myself. I hate having to associate with people I don't have a single thing in common with. I hate having to restrain myself from saying the wrong things. I hate how everything I say or do is being judged. The only reason we're family is because we don't have much of a choice. Other than that, there's nothing binding us. Nothing at all.
I miss you dude. Sigh. Funny how I still think of you after all these years. Oh well. I just hope all is well with you. Much love my dear friend.
Posted by
1:55:00 PM
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Rudolph the red nose reindeer
I'm pretty sure I can pass off as Rudolph now with all the trauma my poor nose has gone through. Days before Christmas and I have to fall sick!! The only good thing that has come out of falling ill is not being able to go to Jb! =)
Yesterday's magic show was brilliant. It was meant for the kids but I think I was the one who was in awe half the time!
Merry Christmas!
Posted by
1:19:00 PM
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
I can't possibly be having a mid-life crisis now can I? Nah. I think terming it my quarter life- crisis woud be more appropriate. Yes that's it! I'm having a quarter-life crisis. Gah.
You know I would really like to talk to a stranger right about now. Don't ask. We'll just dismiss it as being part of my quarter-life crisis.
Posted by
9:12:00 PM
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Haarveen's Birthday!
And so yes, Haarveen's finally 18! Finally.
Haarveen can never keep her eyes open for long. I really don't know why!
The yummy tapas
Posted by
2:39:00 PM
Saturday, December 15, 2007
I should be shot!
Haarveen's right. I should be shot dead. Hitler stlyle.
And here's why. More reasons to add to the already never ending list.
1) Today, while walking through town, I got really irritated with the old woman in front of me who was walking at an excruciating slow pace. I should be shot yes? She was an OLD woman who probably had trouble walking.
2) I am self-centered.
3) I am a bad sister. Just ask Keshini. She'll agree on that.
There's more but I'll stop here. I shouldn't give Haarveen more reasons to prove her point!
Boundaries don't keep other people out. They fence you in. Life is messy. That's how we are made. And so you can waste your life drawing lines or you can live your life crossing them.
Meredith Grey
Grey's Anatomy
I feel like I have wasted a hell lot of time keeping people out. I have missed out on so much with all the lines that I have drawn. I don't think I'll ever know what's it like to have a best friend- the kind that every other person has (not my definition of one). I don't think I have ever ventured into my intimate thoughts with anyone. I don't think I'll know what it is like to be downright honest with what I feel or think. I'm terribly afraid of people being up close. I don't quite know why. I guess I just feel safer that way.
Posted by
9:06:00 PM
Thursday, December 13, 2007
I surrender!
It's official- I am a goner. And you know what? I give up! =)
Posted by
7:56:00 PM
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
All Love
I feel like Aunt Agony. No really. Funny how I can never sort out my own issues then. I'm not sure if I would like to take the risk and put myself out there again. And about my initial plan to keep my distance? Well, let's just say that's not going too well. Gah. And it doesn't help that there's something else bugging me on top of all this. I don't wanna have to compromise on anything and I feel like I cannot keep up with any of this anymore. I'm gonna do the usual. One thing at a time. We'll see. Or maybe not.
I met Rabeeah on Tuesday after AGES. Lots of love, shopping and gossip! =)

Posted by
2:11:00 PM
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Posted by
11:15:00 PM
I hate them all, sun-kissed or not!
Lately, I have developed this strong dislike towards raisins! And for some strange reason I have been seeing raisins just about everywhere. Just two days ago, the kid beside me was munching on raisins. Goodness knows how he managed to stuff the entire handful of that shrivelled up grapes into his mouth. Yesterday, I found raisins in my chocolate cake! Who in the right mind puts raisins in chocolate cakes?! And today I found raisins in my bread (I somehow managed to overlook the fact that it was a raisin loaf BUT that's besides the point) and the only chocolate bar around had raisins in it!
Posted by
6:17:00 PM
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Friday, December 07, 2007
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Hurry home Bunny!
I miss Ranitha. It's pretty weird cause she just left. =(
I didn't think I'll miss her this much. But I guess I'm way too used to talking to her everyday or atleast every other day. I feel like I need to pick up the phone and tell her something absolutely random now. I have so much to say, so much to complain and to whine about. I want to talk about senseless garb. I want to hear about men and their ways. I want to discuss our dreams- both hers and mine. I want to talk about clothes, shoes and bags. I want to bitch about anyone and everything. I want to make plans. I want to fantasize about my future. Our future.
My cousin and one of my best friends. 19 years and counting. =)
Posted by
9:28:00 PM
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Just your heart in exchange for mine.
It's that simple.
Posted by
2:17:00 PM
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Sorry Weber =(
I dont think I'm gonna be able to get that A after today's paper. It was pretty alright but I feel like I screwed it up. Oh well.
And so much for the much anticipated CHEESECAKE FEST! =/
Posted by
2:19:00 PM