I want to go swimming
It's okay Thulasi, it's okay. You’ll get over it. Will I really? For the first time, I’m wishing that I have swimming lessons today. But guess what? of all days, the swimming pool had to be closed today. Under normal circumstances I would have been happy but just not today. Struggling in the water and desperately trying to hold my swimming costume up is good distraction.
I have never felt this sick in my life before.
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Posted by
12:27:00 PM
Friday, June 29, 2007
Ever had someone who said that they love you but they don't want to get emotionally involved. Utter bullshit. Emotions form the basis of any relationship. How on earth do you work on something if you don't want to get emotionally involved? We might as well forget it. A pity since I'm trying my best to make this work. But honestly, whatever.
Posted by
8:05:00 PM
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
I feel murderous!
You know what really irritates me the shit out of me. Parents. Not mine. But that of the sweet little children I so joyfully take care of. Boy can they really test my patience. Okay so this stupid mother calls the centre up with no intention to complain apparently. But she makes not one but three complaints. First, she insists that her daughter is wearing Joy's dress and not her own. And she wants compensation for that. Honestly, how petty can one get? Clothes get mixed up all the time at childcare centres. Even an idiot will know that. But okay fine, we look into the matter, call Joy up and her maid tells us that all her uniforms are there. Hmm. Second complain- Her daughter was wearing someone else's panty. Her daughter does not wear any panties at all. And all the teachers know that so there is no way one of teachers would have given her the panty to wear. Then she mentions that her towel is missing. But she doesn't know what colour it is. On top of this, she believes that it is our fault that her daughter contracted HFMD. My boss is convinced that all the N1 teachers are dreaming thanks to her. All this does not stop here. She calls for the second time to complain that her daughter is always looking dirty. What does she expect? They're kids. Getting dirty is what they do. Be nice to the parents and when something goes wrong, they throw shit in your face. It's a pity. I don't understand. Why couldn't she have cleared all this with us earlier instead of calling the office? From now on, its just take your child and leave. I'm not gonna waste my time being nice.
To add fuel to my foul mood, every book I pick up or every tv show I watch has something to do with a break up of some sort. Talk about coincidences. I'm gonna make it work. Or at least I'm gonna try. I think for all those times I cried, I can think of a hundred other times you have made me laugh or smile. I guess just knowing that I have you in my life, even though we may not be in the same country is good enough for me. Five minute conversations, sometimes not even enough to fit everything in, meeting you once a month or sometimes even longer than that, not knowing everything single thing that happens in your life may be difficult at times. But I guess I'm willing to make do, make the necessary changes. Anything. It's just not every day you meet the right person. And definitely not one who still makes my heart beat faster even after all this while.
Posted by
8:41:00 PM
Monday, June 25, 2007
I guess I'll just have to make do with the way things are currently. Hah.
Posted by
9:00:00 PM
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Been feeling a little down lately. Sigh. Thank god work keeps me busy. I suspect that's why I keep putting off the date I decide to leave. Haha. I miss my babies! I don't feel like leaving!!! I need to hear their spontaneous declarations of their love for me. I need to feel their little fingers wrapped around mine. I need to roll on the floor laughing at the silly things they say. It's therapeutic. Just six months and I'm so in love with these little stangers.
We're apart but thoughts of you keep me up all night. Hah.
Posted by
11:22:00 AM
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
My family needs a little wisdom
I'm not so sure I want to get the wisdom tooth on the left side of my mouth removed as well. Who would have thought the recovery process would really hurt?! I thought the dentist was exaggerating. The swell has gone down but my mum and sisters keep laughing and making the stupidest jokes ever (I swear!) about how funny I look. First it was Ugly Betty and now this. Heavens!
Did I mention that my family's a little weird?
I tidy up my room and my mother screams at me. I'm confused. Doesn't it work the other way? I don't clean my room and she screams at me?
My sister spotted a cockroach at the dining area and screams at the top of her lungs last night. I grab the insecticide and hop all around the room chasing it. Finally, it stops moving. Yes!! And then my sister screams. Again. Apparently, I just took a life. (Actually, I took two lives. I flushed a spider down the sink a short while before that but she doesn't have to know about that.) Then she goes on and on about how I'm not going to sleep in peace for the rest of my life.
My dear darling sister also named our stray cat Moonshine. The same way she named our BLACK, MALE dog, Sunshine. I'm starting to think my family's just really bad with names.
Posted by
3:14:00 PM