I'm disturbed. What's the chances of it happening? All I did was pass a casual remark. Hell I make casual remarks all the time. And most of the time nothing ever happens. But yesterday everything happened right on cue!
Did I mention that the parents at my centre are driving me insane! Some mother insists that I HAVE to clean her daughter's bottom with the wipes that she so graciously provided, another looks at me and asks for the teacher ( I AM the teacher damn it) and there's one particularly irritating mother who feels that her daughter's in prison!
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Posted by
4:21:00 PM
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Okay so Valentine's Day wasn't all that bad. Much better than I had expected. It was fabulous actually! I didn't see anyone who was particularly love struck and it wasn't that crowded. But I still do think Valentine's Day is a tad bit overrated.
The results are going to be out soon. My mother goes on about how it's no big deal even if I flunk the A's. But to me it is a BIG deal. I'm afraid of failing. I'm not talking about those little setbacks, small class tests or stuff like that. Major failures get to me. After I failed my grade five piano practical, I completely stopped learning the piano. It's a shame actually. I was quite good at it. I have absolutely no idea how I screwed up. But after that I was pretty sure I never ever wanted to take piano lessons again. I'm just so afraid it's going to be the same if I mess my A's up.
I'm lost.
Posted by
10:22:00 PM
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
For some reason I always feel sad on Valentine's Day. It's not because I don't have a date or anything like that. It's just one of those unexplainable things I guess. I hate going out on Valentine's Day by the way. I feel like just to walk through town; I have to battle a whole bunch of love sick couples. Ugh.
Happy Valentine's Day!
Posted by
11:44:00 AM
Saturday, February 03, 2007
Gosh! I feel so darn stupid for falling for your sob story. I let my guard down once and people take advantage of it. Ugh. I'm disgusted. With myself.
Oh and im heartbroken, devastated and goodness knows what else. The love of my life- Wentworth Miller is gay! Or so people claim. Please tell me its not true!
And is finding a cookie jar that darn difficult???
Posted by
2:57:00 PM